Monday, July 18, 2011

Zahira Torres Makes Her Mark On Abortion

“The state is violating the First Amendment rights of the doctors and patients”, states Zahira Torres, author of this political blog discussing the recent suit filed against the new pre-abortion sonogram law. After viewing Torres’ blog it is apparent that she is writing to express the strong views and reasoning of the abortion –rights advocacy group who has filed suit against the Texas law. She addresses how this law appears to violate the rights of the women by subjecting them to unwanted information about their bodies.
Not only does Zahira Torres write her blog Texas Capitol Report, she has been a writer for the El Paso times since 1999. After researching Zahira Torres, I found that she received a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Texas at El Paso, indicating that she does indeed have a thorough background in Texas politics. Thus, once evaluating her work, and even more importantly, her experience I have confidence in stating that she is a credible writer and has the knowledge to take a stance and then inform her readers of this issue.
Torres supports her argument using specific quotes from the people directly involved in the abortion suit, which allows the readers to experience the argument first hand. For example, she explains the opinion of the President of the Center for Reproductive Rights, Nancy Northrup, that this law “discriminates against women by subjecting them to paternalistic protections not imposed on men”, expressing her view that this law indeed violates women. Furthermore, she discusses the potential outcome of the law by stating it “could help deter abortions by providing women with full disclosure.” Therefore, Torres’ use of examples to  intentionally convey the multiple negatives of the law, while still managing to incorporate the results of the law if it were to continue in Texas, makes her argument very clear and understandable.

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